Plastic bags have already been banned in many cities, counties, and countries the world over. Because they are so lightweight, plastic bags can travel long distances … 4. In fact, it takes far more raw materials and fossil fuel energy to grow and harvest trees, make pulp and turn it into paper bags, than to make plastic bags. The answer to the problems associated with thin plastic bag use is not a ban, but better management. More:Kroger said it was eliminating plastic bags by 2025. Since 2017, Kenyahas had the world’s strictest plastic ban: anyone selling, producing or using plastic bags will risk imprisonment of up to four years or fines of $40,000. Voting this way is the only way to uphold the plastic bag ban. within a very few months after it passed, the difference was obvious. Durable and Weatherproof: Plastic bags are known for their durability. Americans use 100 billion plastic bags a year, which require 12 million barrels of oil to manufacture.3. But only a few countries in Asia have sound SWM systems, even though all of them have regulations on solid waste. Cities and states across the country are banning plastic bags, but those bans may be having unintended consequences. Bans and taxes have a negative impact on working families and seniors on fixed incomes, but they don’t help the environment in any meaningful way—in fact they can cause bigger problems. That means that it cannot decompose in the soil with the help of the micro-organisms present in the soil.This leads to accumulation of the waste plastics bags in the environment. In 2007, the city of San Francisco, California passed a city ordinance to ban plastic bag use in supermarkets and pharmacies. NYC: Myths vs. Facts. The 3Rs — reduce, reuse and recycle — of solid waste management (SWM) also apply to plastic bags. Over 35 countries have banned plastics, including France, the U.K. and Bangladesh. Plastic bags are much more cost-effective to produce than the alternatives. Plastic bags … Switching to biodegradable plastic bags might be something to consider, but a ban on plastic bags won't do much for the landfills. Learn the Facts. ET In terms of recycling, the world is in a much better place than it was a few decades ago. Some of the reasons to continue use of plastic bags are as follows: Plastic bags are both cheap and convenient—for businesses and for consumers. Plastic bags should be banned. MEG: Over 5 trillion pieces of plastic end up in our ocean, 80% of that are plastic bags. Small-scale bans, mostly on plastic bags, have been experimented with in Canada. In the article below, we have provided a 600-word why plastic bags should be banned essay in English for students to use for various purposes. It turns out, people reuse their plastic bags for waste disposal. The Truth about Plastic Bag Bans | Conservation Law Foundation Plastic bags poison the food chain: fish and marine mammals eat plastic. If reusable bags are 99 cents and can be used indefinitely, then we should only need a very small tax on plastic bags to encourage those people. The study found that paper bags have a worse effect on the environment than plastic bags in all nine impact categories, which include global warming potential, abiotic depletion, acidification, eutrophication, human toxicity, fresh water aquatic ecotoxicity, marine aquatic ecotoxicity, terrestrial ecotoxicity, and photochemical oxidation. Toronto Bans Plastic Shopping Bags. 2. Plastic bags kill ocean animals: every year more than one million seabirds and 100 thousand marine mammals are killed in our oceans. Long and Short Essays on Plastic Bags Should be banned for Students and Kids in English. Although this article is very informative, it leaves out some facts. According to National Geographic, 73% of all beach litter … Paper bag hazards in the Environment 84% of seabirds have plastic in their stomach Plastic used in the bags are toxic Enough plastic is thrown away each year to circle the earth four times. Almost all plastics are made from petroleum, except a few experimental resins derived from corn and other organic substances. Plastic accounts for around 10 percent of the total waste we generate. Why Plastic Bags Shouldn't Be Banned Whether in a supermarket, department store, or restaurant, when it comes to carrying items, there has been one constant staple over the years: plastic bags. Manufacturing plastic bags also consumes less than 4% of the water needed to make paper bags. The first country to ban single-use plastic bags was Bangladesh in 2002 when plastic bag litter clogged drainage channels and contributed to destructive floods. Why plastic bags should be banned from our cities. Plastic also emits some radiation. Ultimately, plastic bags should not be banned… they should be replaced. but i soon became a believer. From killing animals to polluting the environment to putting our lives in danger, plastic bags deserve to be banned. In 2018, Montreal Last updated: February 22, 2017. Plastic bags should be banned. Plastic is non-bio-degradable and thus causes pollution; as it cannot be recycled, burning plastic diffuses harmful smoke. Plastic also emits some radiation. Plastic bags can prove to be a choke hazard for small animals and people. Plastic bags are not biodegradable and can do great harms to wildlife. The wind blows these plastic bags, trashing the area they end up in. A handful of countries have banned plastic bags altogether, including Rwanda and Somalia, while some like Tanzania have banned ultra-thin bags… Plastic Bag Bans Gaining Momentum Around the World. If algae plastics go commercial, it could be step one in the revitalization of the Earth. Environment (from Bag the Ban) Jobs and the Economy (from Bag the Ban) Plastic Bags: To Ban or Not to Ban. According to North Suburban News, paper bags take up nine times more room than plastic and break down at about the same rate. People had a … No market price means far cheaper prices to produce the plastic. Some say we should ban the use of plastic bags completely. The major drawback of plastic is that it is not bio-degradable. Here are 10 reasons to ban the bag, via Heal the Bay: 1. It has become very essential to ban plastic bags before they ruin our planet completely. Other country that has decided to enforce the country-wide plastic bag ban after suffering of negative consequences was Mauritania. 73% of beach litter worldwide is plastic. I don’t think that plastic bags should be banned entirely. 5. They are less vulnerable to … Studies find that when plastic bags are banned, people buy more plastic garbage bags, which are thicker and therefore use more plastic. Bans should be adopted because they are greatly effective at reducing plastic big waste. Works Cited. Among the reasons plastic bags should be banned are: More:Kroger plans to eliminate plastic bags by 2025. It is the high time that we all make an effort to end the plastic bag menace by first banning plastic bags in our lives before all governments can follow suit! In Ireland, and since 2002, citizens have been paying a tax to use plastic bags. Turtles think they're jelly fish so they eat, swallow then choke and die on our plastic bags. Others defend the use of plastic bags and say we should not ban them. Plastic as a substance is non-biodegradable and thus plastic bags remain in the environment for hundreds of years polluting it immensely. Plastic bags are really bad for the environment because they can take 1000 years to decompose and a lot of them end up in our waterways. Long Essay on Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned – Essay 9 (1000 Words) Introduction. Paper bags tend to have higher carbon emissions than plastic bags – and are more difficult to re-use. That’s the beauty of the price system. In turn, their use has dropped by 90% and the government has raised money for recycling programs. China banned plastic bags and four years later, the amount of plastic bags thrown into the environment had reduced by 40 billion. Also, a brief but informative 200-word essay on why plastic bags should be banned is provided. Production of plastic takes 60-100 million barrels … Plastic bags are made from petroleum products. When it comes to banning plastic bags in the U.S., 400 states or cities have imposed plastic ban or taxes. Our Project Convince the North Kingstown community to ban plastic bags. Plastic retail bags – the kind you get from your grocer or at the corner store — are being targeted for bans and taxes in communities around the country, regardless of the unintended consequences. By some estimates, however, this only reduces the advantage of banning plastic bags in about half, but does not completely offset it. Plastic bags can prove to be a choke hazard for small animals and people. “This Plastic Bag Is 100% Biodegradable.” Oct. 22 2020, Updated 5:16 p.m. In the process, plastic bags produce fewer greenhouse gases per use than paper or cotton bags. Bag bans cut this litter off at the source: In San Jose, California, a plastic bag ban led to an 89 percent reduction in the number of plastic bags winding up in the city’s storm drains. Yes bags are a waster, but not everyone just lets them fly around town. Plastic has many properties which have made it a raw material of choice for manufacturing of plastic bags and packing materials. . Pingback: The Pros and Cons of Banning Plastic Bags – Don't be an Old Bag on the North Shore Cassandra La Fey November 10, 2017 at 6:59 pm. Recycled plastic is being used to … Plastic should be banned. If the US bans plastic bags, there would be fewer landfills. 6:14 pm. . Because they are naturally lightweight, plastic bags can travel very long distances by both water and wind. Essay on Plastic Bags should be banned. The government has partially banned microbeads, and a ban on plastic … Plastic bags do not only pollute our water but also our land. used, the impact on the environment is an issue that must be addressed. Plastic is non-bio-degradable and thus causes pollution; as it cannot be recycled, burning plastic diffuses harmful smoke. Plastic bags should be banned from grocery stores because they are made from. toxic and non-recyclable materials. It is so much more environmentally friendly to bring your own bags when you buy groceries. i wasn’t sure about Austin’s city-wide ban a couple or so years ago . Plastic bags should be banned because they affect the environment in many ways. There are many reason why they should be banned some of the reasons are because sea animals environment died because of this and it makes are oceans dirty. 10 thoughts on “ The Two Sides of The Plastic Bag Ban Debate ” mike we January 3, 2017 at 2:23 pm. Several local cities, including Kirkland, Tacoma, Seattle, and Issaquah have all banned plastic grocery bags, arguing they are harmful to the environment. There are eight states that ban single-use plastic bags, and these are Oregon, Vermont, California, Hawaii, Delaware, New York, Maine, and Connecticut. Gray, Alex. If anything, assuming an increase in paper bag usage, it could make the problem worse. chemical reactions. Many countries around the globe have either put a ban on the plastic bag or Levi tax on it. I think that the idea of having them taxed or people paying 10 cents for them would work just fine. Single use plastic bags and other plastics account for approximately 73 percent of beach litter. pollute our land and water. The one stop bag which comes as a solution to carrying liquids, commodities to garments, plastic bags have been a rage since the beginning of time ( At least for the Millennials & Techno Kids).
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