Notes from the Eclectic Physicians. For this reason, it has been employed, as before stated, in amenorrhoea, with pelvic atony, and also in catarrhal diseases of the female generative organs. In hernia and hemorrhoids a 25 to 50% solution may be injected. Hemorrhage from these organs is benefically influenced by its use. Thuja will prove an excellent remedy for all forms of sore mouth, especially if combined with echinacea and a mild antiseptic astringent. Thuja occidentalis L. var. Bark reddish brown, fissured into narrow ridges covered with elongated scales. He has treated some cases of disease of the turbinated bones with the same remedy. Click on a place name to get a complete protected plant list for that location. I do not expect that it will take out the scarlet color of those vaxcular patches, called mother’s mark, but that the agent will cause to shrink to insignificance those puffy naevi, which once called for the ligation of arteries. The agent is applied locally and small doses are given internally. Thuja is antiseptic and stimulant. 1566). The use of thuja persistently in these cases is as effectual as it is when used in the same manner for syphilitic ulcerations. Central & E. Canada to N. Central and Eastern North America. 0.92, and a yellow, crystallizable, bitter principle called thujin, punitannic (Kowalier) and thujetic acid. Having a special influence on epithelial cells, it is of some value in warts, epithelioma, condylomata and goitre, both locally and internally. J. Moreau Brown has reported a number of cases satisfactorily treated with this remedy. Does not produce fruits has brown cones. The wood is used in fencing and posts, cabin logs, lumber, poles, shingles, paneling, piling, lagging, pails, potato barrels, tubs, ties, boats, tanks, woodenware. Leaves are scale-like in adults, ovate, obtuse to bluntly acute, yellowish-green to gray-green below bearing a pustular gland near apex, appressed to branchlets in opposite pairs, each pair overlapping the adjacent pair above. The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Wind. A slender evergreen tree native to eastern North America. Dr H. C. Noble reported twenty-nine cures out of thirty consecutive. Thuja is given internally for cancer, and for the pains of cancer it is applied externally, when possible, occasionally with good results. Each year it puts on 6”-9" of new growth once established. N.C. In these there was nervous irritation an dusually sexual neurasthenia. Thuja occidentalis L. White Cedar, Arbor Vitae. It strengthens the sphincter of the bladder. Thuja is contra-indicated in inflammatory states of the urinary tract. The injection of thuja into nevi that are of a non-pulsating character, or those not too venous in structure, has been recently practiced. Common name(s): American Arborvitae, Eastern Arborvitae, Northern White Cedar. An evergreen tree, 50 to 60 ft high, with a trunk 2 to 3 ft in diameter; in cultivation a pyramidal shrub or tree rarely more than half as high; branches usually upturned towards the end; branchlets three or four times pinnate, the ultimate subdivisions much flattened, 1 ⁄ 16 to 1 ⁄ 12 in. Tolerates clay soil, wet sites, black walnut and air pollution. 1854; King J; (Materia Medica) – THUJA OCCIDENTALIS Uses – A decoction of the leaves has been a popular remedy in intermittent fever, rheumatism, cough, scurvy, etc. By some it is said to act as a powerful excitant, others again deny this. The non-alcoholic thuja is one of the best remedies for granular conjunctivitis. I had an interesting report from Dr. Caple who injected thuja into a giant-celled sarcoma of the hip joint. Thuja is a topical remedy of unsurpassed value in syphilitic chaneroid. Utilized as specimens, accenting, hedges, or foundation plants. One case was cured in three weeks, where the nevus looked like a ring worm, and was of a fiery red color. For this purpose the aqueous thuja is to be preferred. The expressed juice or tincture of the leaves is highly recommended as an application to condylomata, removing these growths in from three to four weeks. I am using it in syphilitic throat ulcerations an dif I precede it once or twice with an application of Monsel’s solution it has provded invariably satisfactory so far. However severe the case, he had no case especially where there was severe granulation of the lids that was so stubborn but that he could benefit it with a mild solution of thuja. 1919: Ellingwood Synonyms – Arbor vitae, white cedar. Old men, with enlarged and greatly irritated prostate inducing a constant dribbling of urine, consequently staining the clothing and entailing much unpleasantness, are benefited by 5-drop doses of thuja. Thuja is directly indicated, first, as a peculiar alterative, in improving diathetic conditions of the blood. Eastern white cedar; Variety. Jour.) Therapeutic Action – Our Homoeopathic neighbors think highly of this remedy, and in their provings it has 3370 symptoms, being a remedy for nearly all ills to which flesh is heir. The patient must avoid alcoholic stimulants. It is first stimulant, afterward subastringent. However, most horticultural nurseries and retail outlets continue to use the older designation. locally: senile and other forms of gangrene; haemorrhages caused by malignant growths fissured anus and haemorrhoids; warts, whether of the face, hands or genitals; syphilitic eruptions; bulging naevi; balanitis; or abrasions or excoriations on the head of the penis, or around the corona glandis; catarrhal ulceration of the uterine neck (by means of tampon of thuja and glycerin); urethral caruncles (diluted and applied on absorbent cotton or painted on with cames hair brush. It is of much service in bed sores and in other open ulcers dependent upon local or general nerve exhaustion. 1854; King J; (Materia Medica) – THUJA OCCIDENTALIS Uses – A decoction of the leaves has been a popular remedy in intermittent fever, rheumatism, cough, scurvy, etc. Displays from April to May. I believe that the tree of life is a translation of the popular name of one of the Asian species of Thuja. It is a low maintenance plant that tolerates clay soil, wet sites, black walnut, and air pollution. Dose, internally from 3 to 10 drops of the tincture 2 to 4 times a day. The agent is useful in urethral caruncle, and as a remedy for gleet, when granular urethritis is present. Canker can occasionally be a problem. Constitutional or tonic treatment may also be required. Contra-indicated in inflammation of the urinary tract. No physician gave his case. Grows in both xeric and wet, often cool sites. Dr. Barber uses thuja in conjunctivitis. Fearn (Ec. Locally, or by hypodermatic injection, it has given good, but only temporary, results in vascular rectum, where, from a paralytic condition, the lower segment of the rectum bulges and sags, amounting almost to a prolapsus. Twigs have been used in some teas for relief of constipation and headache. Thuja occidentalis Common name: Thuja, White Cedar Family: Cupressaceae Part used: Leaf & Bark Constituents: Polysaccharides & glycoprotein, Volatile oil (1.4-4%): thujone (alpha-thujone, 59%), (beta-thujone, 7-10%), fenchone (10-15%), Flavonoids (quercitin, amentoflavone) Actions: Antiseptic, Immune stimulant, Emmenagogue Medical uses: Is used for respiratory tract infections including… A number of cases of spermatorrhea have been cured since our previous report on this remedy. if this does not cure use nitric acid. 1905: Petersen – THUJA OCCIDENTALIS Syn – White Cedar; Arbor Vitae. An abscess forms and the tumor slowly disappears. wide. It is a good agent in the treatment of warty excrescences on the genital organs of male or female; inject into the tumour. Also known as Smaragd Arborvitae Morphology: This evergreen tree grows to mature height of 15’ with a width of 4’-5’. It cause some pain and inflammation, but effects a permanent cure. Med. It was probably the first North American tree introduced into Europe (ca. Blooms from March to April. Having carried out the last intention, he records his success (Ec. Med. The influence of the agent will be enhanced by a combination with avena sativa, saw palmetto, or staphysagria, in cases of this character, when Thuja should be given in doses of from two to ten drops, four or five times daily. It is applied directly to the growth as often as possible without inducing inflammation. Prof. How was desirous of seeing the remedy fully tested, so he began with the drug to determine its true value. forest, northern white-cedar acts as a … In non-malignant cases the dose may be much smaller. Thuja comes highly recommended as a dressing for sloughing wounds, ulcers, bedsores, senile and other forms of gangrene, serving a useful purpose in overcoming the horrible stench arising therefrom. But the best action of the drug is in overcoming the growing and spreading progress of epithelioma. In fissured anus, it is said that the drug at first aggravates the trouble, but, if persisted in, soon effects a permanent cure. Notes from the Eclectic Physicians. Dose – From the fraction of a drop to five drops. After months at sea without fresh fruit or vegetables, the crew was suffering from scurvy, a potentially fatal vitamin C deficiency. Rheingold Arborvitae is an evergreen shrub in the cypress family. Susceptible to damage/stem breakage in winter from ice and snow accumulations. It is beneficial in ulcerative forms of sore throat, where the secretions are fetid in character. It causes gangrenous surfaces to dry without hemorrhage or other discharge, destroys offensive odors and influences granulation. Therap.) On his way upriver, he left the two natives in their home village, ex… Thuja occidentalis L. Common Name: northern white cedar, arbor vitae: Habitat: Calcareous cliffs and ledges, rocky summits, alvars, fens, and rich swamps. The use of thuja in pterygium is spoken of by a number of our writers. Thuja which is also known by its botanical name – Thuja Occidentalis or sometimes called white cedar is a medium sized coniferous tree native to the North and East of … Dr. Jones injected from twenty to sixty drops of thuja into a rectal cancer every second day, and also where there was a cauliflower variety of cancer of the uterus. It is in leaf all year, in flower from April to May, and the seeds ripen from September to October. 1883: Scudder (alterative) (The leaves of Thuja Occidentalis). This is the characteristic tree of “cedar swamps” that occupy hundreds of thousands of hectares of wet ground in northern Michigan, much of it nearly impenetrable, except by the deer for which both shelter and a favorite food are provided. Thuja applied to the tonsils and crowded into the crypts is an excellent remedy. Thuja occidentalis 'Sunkist' _ … northern white-cedar. Plant type: evergreen medium tree Primary method of propagation: cutting Alternate propagation method(s): seed, layering. to alcohol 76% Oj. Dose from gtts.xx. It is also applicable to sloughing wounds, and to phagedena of the venereal organs. If, however, the condition does not show improvement, especially where there is a cancerous cachexia, the dose may be increased, if necessary, to one dram every two or three hours. A greatly enlarged and relaxed uterus in a woman of fifty with severe metrorrhagia was treated with enjunctions of thuja. I have seen it repress and overcome fungoid an dulcerous epitheliomata in an astonishingly happy manner.” He further intimates that he shall try it in croupous and diphtheritic cases, and states that he shall inject some of the tincture into the tunica vaginalis testis for the cure of hydrocele, and may try it on the granulations of trachoma. Foliage can become winter burned (yellow-brown) in dry, exposed sites. Thuja occidentalis is native to Canada and USA. The treatment of adenoids is greatly simplified by making an application first of Monsell’s solution to the diseased structures, and then applying thuja. Of value in incontinence of urine in children and old people, the result of atony and relaxed condtion of the bladder and urinary apparatus. Before withdrawing the needle, place the nozzle of the loaded syringe into the needle’s open mouth and with a plunge of the piston force the diluted Thuja into the cavity recently distended with serum. Propagation by Cuttings. It exerciss a peculiar influence over abnormal growths and tissue degenerations, especially those of an epithelial character. In colonic ulceration, he uses it as a high anema once or twice a day. In the understory of a pine, aspen, or birch (Betula spp.) Prof. Lyman Watkins, M. D., reports success with it in urethral caruncle. The name of the American plant was given in the beginning of XVI century the king of France! It would be well for some of our practitioners to prepare a tincture and test it. It has been successfully employed in gleet, when the continuance of the discharge was dependent on granular urethritis. 1901: Locke It specifically influences the urinary apparatus and is useful in chronic diarrhoea and chronic troubles with the prostate gland. Thuja was used first in 5-drop doses at bedtime, afterward reduced to 3 drops. The species was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. It cures by inducing atrophy. 1874: Scudder Prepare a tincture from the fresh leaves, 35viij. In spermatorrhoea the result of masturbation or over-indulgence, especially if there is depression of the mind in these cases. It is a positive remedy in the treatment of senile gangrene. Jour., 1880, p.391): “In the treatment of naevi, I feel that a specific has been brought out. As a hypodermic injection in hydrocele a 25 to 50% solution may be injected after the fluid has been drawn off. Use: Locally and internally it is of value in gangrenous ulcers, acute venous gangrene, senile gangrene, nasal polypus and scaly skin diseases, in which cases a 25 to 50% solution of the tincture may be used locally. He reintroduced Pinus canadensis and thuja. 1. Its best effects are obtained from doses from one to ten drops. It has simulating properties, which restore the vitality of the part. pyramidalis Zederb. It may likewise be used in carcinomatous ulcerations. states that specific thuja (1/5 to 1/3 drop doses) acts upon the deep ocular tissues, and has been used in scleritis, episcleritis, sclerochoroiditis, and syphilitic iritis, with gummata on the iris; also externally and internally for the removal of tarsal tumors. Tissue degenerations in the epithelial structures appear to be influenced by it. Anything warm produced great distress. Then manipulate the scrotum so as to bring all the internal surface in touch with drug. gr. Northern white cedar provides nesting sites for songbirds, as well as cover, especially in the winter, for white-tailed deer, which both feed on the branches and use them for shelter from the cold. 1911: Fyfe syphilitic and other diseases of bad blood, with warty excrescences or ulcerations; catarrhal diseases of the female generative organs; enuresis; seminal emissions, vesical irritation, especially in aged women; atonic conditions following dysentery; incontinence of urine in children; chronic diarrhoea and chronic troubles of the prostate gland; dribbling of urine in the aged, when not of a paretic nature; eczema, especially of the dry variety. We would suggest its inhalation in fetid bronchitis and bronchorrhoea. There are over 30 synonyms in Kew's Plants of the World Online database. Thuja occidentalis 'Anniek' ('Sienna Sunset'™) Common name: Anniek Arborvitae Sun Exposure: Sun/Part Shade ANNUAL GROWTH: 1-6" HxW@10 Years: 10"x10" COLOR: golden/green FORM: Globose GROWTH RATE: Dwarf Hardiness Zone: Zones 4-8 Related Products. Thuja is an excellent remedy for dribbling of urine in the aged, and urinary incontinence in the young. advises it where excrescences are sensitive and moist, with a foul-smelling sc=ecretion. Specific Medicine Thuja. 'Pyramidalis Compacta' Full Form (Asheville, NC), 'Emerald Green' Full Form (Warren County,NC), 'Emerald Green' Leaves Close up (Warren County,NC), 'Emerald' closeup (with Black Racer), spring, Durham County NC. If applied early it relieves the pain, checks discharges, and promotes rapid healing. He uses it in warts, tumors an dexcrescences. Thuja occidentalis f. buchananii (Spath) Rehder Externally, Long’s thuja, specific thuja, an daqueous thuja may be applied full strength, or diluted as required. ... Common name. The proportions may be varied as desired. Rectal troubles, such as fissured anus and hemorrhoids, have been frequently cured with thuja. Growing Zone (USA / UK Hardiness): 2 to 7 / H7 Plant Details. Professor A. J. Howe cured hydrocele almost exclusively with this agent. This constitutes an excellent mildly antiseptic and actively stimulating dressing to indolent, phagedenic or gangrenous ulcers. Scientific name: Thuja occidentalis Pronunciation: THOO-yuh ock-sih-den-TAY-liss Common name(s): White-Cedar, Arborvitae, Northern White-Cedar Family: Cupressaceae USDA hardiness zones: 2 through 7 (Fig. He treats chronic enlargement of the tonsils with this remedy and has succeeded in reducing many severe cases to the normal size. Thuja occidentalis is anodyne, stimulant, antiseptic, alterative, tonic, and astringent. Thuja occidentalis is widely utilized in ornamental silviculture and has more than 120 named cultivars. That it possesses rare virtues here I am inclined from my own experience, to doubt. The agent is especially advised in the treatment of urinary disorders of the aged and young. Good results have come from using an inhalation of thuja in bronchial diseases and catarrhal affections of a chronic type. It is true that Prof. King described thuja in the earlier editions of the American Dispensatory, and stated that a decoction of the leaves had been used in remittent and intermittent fevers, coughs, rheumatic and scorbutic affections, and gave the usual notice respecting its power to remove warts. Subcutaneous injection of it around the base of the growth has been recommended, and might be more effective than the preceding. The young, inner bark of the new stems is known to have been used to make soup by the Ojibwa tribe. In 1536, the French captain Jacques Cartier was on his second voyage of discovery to Canada. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Other Common Names: Arbor vitae, American arbor-vitae, eastern arborvitae, white cedar, false white cedar, northern white-cedar, yellow cedar, tuja (Swedish), tuya (Spanish), thuya d'occident (French), Lebensbaum (German). Internally use doses of from one to five drops. He made a 50 per cent solution of thuma and applied it freely with bandages, covering the whole with roller bandages, and produced a cure. ... Thuja occidentalis arborvitae Thuja plicata western redcedar Legal Status. Resources. Genus Thuja are fast-growing evergreen trees of narrowly conical habit, with flat sprays of tiny, aromatic, scale-like leaves and small knobbly cones Details 'Smaragd' is an evergreen conifer making a slow-growing conical shrub with erect sprays of bright green foliage He believes that in all cases of normal hypertrophy, where there is no diathesis, underlying the difficulty, in the post nasal region, this remedy is of inestimable value. This patient had pain extending throught he stomach to the back. It is an important timber tree; the wood is used for applications requiring decay resistance. Some even claim that it has power to check the latter disorder, but in all probability, this is claiming too much for the drug. This form of thuja is also valuable as an application to past-nasal catarrh, and to shrink nasal polypi and other growths in the nose and nasopharynx. Specific Indications and Uses – Enlarged prostate, with dribbling of urine in the aged; urine easily expelled upon coughing or slight muscular exertion; vesical irritation and atony; enuresis of children; verrucous vegetations; trachoma; chancroid. He uses it for chapped and rough hands, so troublesome in the spring and fall. It is frequently valuable to restrain hemorrhages occasioned by malignant growths. Enuresis: dribbling of urine, in the aged, enlarged prostate, vesical atony, bedwetting of children.
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