. But again the whole neighborhood has the same soil. Is there something I can fill this hole with like a foam insulation product? The scales grow to adulthood on the leaves and mate in August or September before the females return to the twigs to spend the winter. Maples can live a hundred years or more if they're in a good spot. Once the top of the tree has been cut off, especially a very young tree, it may not reach its true height. If you're in doubt, call your county Cooperative Extension office- they would be able to visit your tree and give you a diagnosis of the problem in person. It kills sucking insects, which are causing the "honeydew" (sticky, syrup-like substance) on your trees. The dying leaves (almost all at this point) are generally green in colour (even though it is a red maple) but the dead portion is purple and curled under. Unfortunately, trees with root rot usually can't be salvaged and need to be cut down to prevent injuring people or damaging property. Charlotte Gerber (author) from upstate New York on June 10, 2010: Hi June, The gall condition won't kill the tree, but it is unsightly. Heart rot can destroy the whole tree rather quickly, from the inside out. Do you think these can be fixed, and if so how can i do this? Thans. Many thanks in advance - Annie. It doesn't seem to be any particular size of leaf or location. At this point, they cover the driveway, the back deck, and most of the back yard. Adults, the stage most often seen in homes, are dark with three distinct orange or red stripes, the first centered behind its head, the other two running along the sides of its body. About three years ago, it started losing some of its bark, just flaking off. Borers are the immature stage of certain moths and beetles that dig their way through the living wood of a tree, destroying tissues the tree … Next, make sure your tree is getting enough water. I would also remove the plastic from around the tree if it is still there as it can harbor pests and encourage fungal growths. So what should I do? Lots of water and perhaps a little tree fertilizer should help your trees survive the summer. Any ideas what this might be? Then, they progress to the black spots on the leaves you see above. We've had a wet spring, so I've watered only after a couple days of dry weather using Miracle Grow and other types of fertilizer. Leaf scorch seldom kills trees; deep watering is the recommended treatment. I cannot even find a picture of what it looks like anywhere on the internet. Hi Mary, There are several beetles that may be responsible, or they could be carpenter ants (which wouldn't kill your tree, they're attracted to the honeydew). Of the more than 120 species of maple trees (Acer spp. we have a maple tree that has some leaves turning a crispy brown on several limbs. It's caused by a fungal pathogen in the genus Rhytisma. Please help. Yes, pruning/shaping the tree to reduce the weight on the limbs would definitely help. I'm guessing it is a soft spot in a 50 year old tree. The inner part of the leaf around the veins may remain green. The virus is cosmetic and doesn't affect the tree's ability to flower, grow, and thrive. There are several damaging maple tree diseases and pests. I have two old silver maples in my back yard. I don't think your tree is dying- it just needs a little extra care. On the same branch one leaf could be curling tightly and the one adjacent could be perfect. Hi Patty and Sally, I think the two of you have the same problem- mealy bugs or scale insects. Since you're actually losing trees to this I really think you should call your county Cooperative Extension office and request that they come inspect your trees. Don’t have a shell, instead they secrete a cotton-like or waxy substance over their bodies for protection 5. In response to the photos you posted, you could remove the wooden boards from around the tree for aesthetic reasons, and it would prevent litter from collecting there. Dear Bella, It appears that you are the one should take a hike. Call your local Cooperative Extension office (your county office will have their number), and ask if they can help you identify what bug(s) are attacking your tree, and if the tree needs to come down for safety reasons. The trees have always been healthy, dark nicely shaped leaves and beautiful and they appeared to have the same amount of leaves as they always do. Heart rot, on the other hand, is much more destructive and may be what you are describing. There are two things that come to mind when I hear "white fungus" - powdery mildew or heart rot. Does the wood look shredded or dry and easily scraped away where the bark/limbs came off? I have it on my maple trees in my own front yard as well. Please help as I do not want to lose these wonderful trees. Aphids are a common pest that will eat up your acer trees like no other. The verticillium fungus is a soil-borne disease and can remain dormant in the soil years before it makes an appearance. Charlotte Gerber (author) from upstate New York on September 20, 2010: Hi Bruce, There is a borer beetle that likes maple trees - the Asian Longhorned Beetle. This is best done by a professional- especially if you have a large tree. Acer negundo, the box elder, boxelder maple, Manitoba maple or ash-leaved maple, is a species of maple native to North America. When you touch them they are sticky. This infection starts in the root system and works its way up the maple tree, resulting in cankers and dieback. I desparately need your help please: I suspect that our maple tree has antracanosis. You can treat trees with Bayer Advanced 12 month Tree and Shrub Insect Control. Hi David, Assuming the rest of your tree appears okay, this may just be a dead limb that fell. While it can be treated with a fungicide, it usually needs to be done by a professional, especially if the tree is large. Winged brown insects that are about the size of a nickel or smaller, Large number of varieties; usually look like black, red, brown, or green abnormalities such as a pimple or a needle. Japanese beetles are invasive, chewing insects that have made their way into Minnesota. the sap only goes about three feet down the tree, and the tree looks wet in the area until you get close to observe it then you see that the sap is being leaked out of the tree. The fungus spores will winter over in the dead leaves on the ground, so rake up the leaves in your yard if you don't want it coming back next year. You can also apply fungicide, but you may need a commercial application depending on the size and number of trees that may be affected. Otherwise, problem indicators you should look for include insects and insect damage, and cracks or other damage to the bark of the tree- these indicate other problems that would require treatment. For the past 3 years my Schwedler Maple (25 years old) has leafed out beautifully but when you sit under it & look up most of the bmaller branches are bare & look dead. Although the disease is causing only minor damage at present, it has the potential to become an important problem. I think a call to your local Cooperative Extension office may offer the answer, as they would be aware of any local conditions/problems in your area. General tree maintenance. I am devestated! Your tree may need to be cut down, but without seeing the tree in person, it is difficult to correctly diagnose. If so, do you have a recommendation for a young tree planted in full sun and exposed to high winds? I have a lot of maple trees were i live and like Lizzannae the small trees that are only around a year old and only have a few leaves. Depending on the variety, maples are used for rough construction or in the making of fine furniture. Thanks! Some strains can cause cankers and blight. The leaves have numerous small holes in them as if they are being eaten by insects. approx. The leaves stay green only for a month or two and then start getting yellow and fall off much before Fall. I have lived in my house for 24 years and they were large trees even then. Maple trees are susceptible to scale, which feed off of the tree for nutrients. How long has the root been exposed or has it always? I'd like to help this tree before it's shade is completely gone. its slow release, has nitrogen in it, helps to reduce evapotranspiration, helps retain moisture!, protects from cold weather. Recently, a limb broke two inches in diameter. Around late May, after a very wet spring, he noticed that it was developing spots. When I investigsted a little further I saw large black ants working hard on an old spot where a rather large limb had been pruned before we moved here 14 years ago. You can let the mildew sit, and it may resolves itself. The infection is often tree-specific, so a strain that affects a sugar maple likely won't affect a Japanese maple. I really don't want to loose it ... any help would be greatly appreciated. These insects carry plant pathogenic fungi. Answer: If Woodpeckers are actively seeking bugs on your tree, it may have an infestation of some kind. Now there are leaves all over the tree that are turning brown from the viens outward. There are red/black dots on the top of the leaves also (looks like your maple bladder gall pictures) but we have had that in the past. You can call your local Cooperative Extension office to see what fungicides are legal in your state. Fortunately, it's not harmful because it feeds off of the air rather than the trees. This is the escape tunnel. Verticillium Wilt Maple wilt, also called Verticillium wilt, is a common and serious disease of maples. Alternatively, you could contact a beekeeper who may be interested in the bees, then cut down the tree (though they would be "wild" bees). It continues to lose bark, sometimes in large pieces. Powdery mildew is like what it sounds like - a white powdery substance on the branches and leaves of a plant. You happened to cut the tree when the sap had started flowing in spring (maple syrup making time!). It only needs to be applied once a year. You can find this particular product at your local lawn and garden store or megastore with a garden department.
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