After One Sick, 4yo Male Littermates Now Don't Know Each Other on March 08, 2018: Hi LC, We have two male 4yo neutered brothers (they have their claws) and are indoor cats, we adopted them from shelter when they were about 4 mos old. They usually didn't vocalize during that play time and they also took turns chasing. For his 14 surgical procedures towards that goal, he held a world record for "most permanent transformations to look like an animal." Territorial behavior in cats usually involves urine marking (spraying), hissing, stalking, or attacking another cat. She was making her life miserable and kept attacking her. I believe it's play? This not only calms both pets down but is also important as a public service. Your cat should have a safe place to get away from the new kitten until they have gotten comfortable with each other. When a new animal, most notably another cat, is introduced into a household, it turns this hierarchy upside down and creates chaos while everyone reestablishes their place. That I don't worry about too much. Cats can take months to acclimate, and some will only ever get to the point of being buddies. We recently adopted a cat that the vet says is around two years old, he's mostly very friendly with adults and kids, sometimes he'll randomly bite if you pet him in one spot for too long. Old cats stalk. Do slow re-introductions while keeping them in different rooms most of the time. We have 7 cats in total now. I did the slow introduction, but she has been nervous around my four-year-old male cat and my one dog since day one and is always hissing at them. The fighting and bullying has been a problem for at least a year now, and we were hoping they would get over it with age, but it's starting to get worse. TNR programs offer a nonlethal means to lessen the feral cat population over generations. Any advice is welcome. Help?? The boy cat needs a place of his own (a bedroom or bathroom) and a slow reintroduction to everyone including the new cat. Now, my boy cat keeps peeing everywhere even though I have six litter boxes, and he has no internal issues based on what vet says. Ever since i got him groomed his sister wont go near him and when she does shes growls and hisses at him. He'll lay in the middle of the kitchen floor or the middle of the hallway or right in front of the bathroom door and attack their feet as they walk past. They can sit near each other and are ok. ... you may have to invest in a fence to keep stray cats and other animals in your yard. Feliway. Due to Financial issues I had to move in with some people 5 or 6 ago. Dennis Avner was born on 27 th August, 1958 in the United States of America and was known for his extreme body modification. The males are recently fixed, the females are fixed too apart from one. Answer: It needs time. This is all part of their introduction. As soon as I let her out she ran into a room and went under the bed. Play with them and give them treats. Sometimes when he walks in the room she will remain in te room (which is good that she's not running under the bed away from him) but most of the time she does run under the bed. Although cat aggression is sometimes taken less seriously than dog aggressionperhaps because cats are smaller and dont pursue people to bite themaggressive cats can be formidable. Cats are amazing creatures and I've never met one I didn't like! She would hiss at her and run away. They do have an order. Keeping my pets healthy and happy is my number one priority. Best of luck with this tough situation. If there are behavioral or bullying issues between your cats, making sure that they are fixed (spayed, neutered, or sterilized) is the first step in reducing the problem. L C David (author) from Florida on April 13, 2018: My guess is that she is feeling protective of her babies. We actually caught him trying to eat one of them one day (he had his mouth wrapped around our other cat's head). I fear 2 of my 3 if not all are ill in some way. He watches her while she eats, and when she's done, he will attack her, jumping at her and biting her neck. In a home with at least one other cat, any new cat will have to establish its rank. My worry is this: now my cat is hiding under the bed in the master bedroom, pretty uninterested in coming out to the main part of the house....and the oneupmanship of who gets the 'best' space in shared areas continues. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Young three month old semi-feral male kitten stalking a bird on gravel We brought two cats with us and they had one cat. Bonding is often dependent on blood relation between littermates, mothers, and kittens, and male cats tend to be pushed out of colonies once they reach sexual maturity and take to a more solitary life. There is definate stress. About 15 minutes out of his room and he’s hissing and picking another fight. Consider your current pets' traits before making a selection based on more superficial characteristics. Question: I have a 70-day old cat, and today, we brought in a younger, 40-day old cat. My Siamese did the same when my kids were babies. You also may need to separate the new cat in another room with its own litter box, food and water. My newest is pregnant. If not, I suggest doing that immediately.) We've tried picking him up and setting him in an other room away from the older cat but he just goes back to her. So our timid girl now basically lives inside the sofa, or inside our mattress boxspring, the only place she feels safe. This situation has gotten so bad that none of the cats will eat anymore. spread throughout the house. The kitten doesn’t hold a grudge and when things are calmer doesn’t avoid Baxter, but Baxter makes sure he regrets not fearing him. Thank you for your article, a lot of good tips, unfortunately I have tried them all so I am looking everywhere, anywhere that can help me. The cat is feeling defensive (notice how some of the cats have flattened ears in the video), and the dog is scared and anxious. We bathed the tabby apart from his face, and it has made no difference. Practice patience and employ the above-mentioned techniques. My older cat is 5 yrs old and is spayed. I am also worried my cats will run away (we can't keep them in the house all the time). I feel like we have ruined the two originals' lives, although we have succeeded in doing what we wanted to do for the new cat - rescuing an older cat. We have a dog and an older resident cat already in the home. And maybe skip the lion cut next time. Both females and my apartment no longer allows animals. We also have a third cat Luna who is almost 2. He has a playful attitude but she's hisses, growls and even screams sometimes. I put the bowl far away from each other but he runs towards his moms food to steal it :/ when i play with them i try to play a bit with mom also but he shoves her aside and she goes to a corner. We have 2 female cats who until yesterday have been living peacefully together. If he is at a good weight and not having stomach issues, I'd just give him some when he is trying to take yours and not worry about it. He wished to resemble a tigress and had got through his goal after going through 14 surgical procedures. Just realize that some fighting and hissing is normal during this process. I've tried spray bottles, that doesn't work. :/, We have an 11 year old female cat her sister died 18 months ago. One is 7 months old and the other is 9 years old. Cat bites and scratches require medical attention. He feels that he is now in competition with this new cat for: There are ways to help minimize a cat's stress when a new cat is introduced into the home. Attempts at play are few as he has no idea how big he is. Getting everyone fixed and having the kittens grow up or find new homes will likely help improve the situation. They are both neutered and had a healthy vet visit last month. He waits for her at the doorway of the bedroom and bathroom (after she goes potty) and attacks her. They don't really fight, but I feel like she stays in our room a lot to avoid him. If neither backs down, the displays may increase to swatting, wrestling, and biting. I am very fond of him and am pretty sure he decided I was 'his' territory until my cat came on the scene. When she tries to come out within just a few minutes one of them if not both of them goes after her. There could be minor setbacks but overall, it sounds like these cats might ultimately be friends. Six weeks isn't that long in adult cat adjustment period. My kittens are scared to death of my older cat. I suggest that 1. I already have three cats. Cat communication is the transfer of information by one or more cats that has an effect on the current or future behaviour of another animal, including humans. im worried she feels sad. So now not only is my little princess in danger this has now become a danger to myself and my unborn child. This alone can go a long way toward eliminating aggression. They are allowed upstairs and there is no way to separate them downstairs. The hormones may still be working themselves out. Although he was the last of the brood and they are all fixed, he sometimes bullies my girls. They change roles frequently. Hang in there. They're not fighting but one cat (a female who's more calm and independent) always seems to get "punked" by the other cat (male, younger, more energetic and playful). I have a 4 yr old, neutered male cat, Putty. Get some interesting cat toys and cat nip interactive toys to keep him occupied and interested. The sad thing is, I've not been able to keep up with their vet appointment for the last two years due to financial strains. Answer: He is likely still being playful even if it doesn't look like. Now the bullying is continuing and Louie has started spraying. Yesterday for some unknown reason, one cat attacked the other. One of the boys is an alpha cat who can be a bully while his brother is incredibly sweet, but at the flip of a switch will suddenly be very aggressive to his sister. So far this seems to have worked it has been two weeks now with no more attacks. We’ve tried to separate the girl cat in a guest room a few times to give them some space but that doesn’t do more than damage the carpet on both sides of the door as all our cats desperately try to open the door. With cats you have to work with them, not expect them to conform to unrealistic expectations. Hello, i have 2 cats, mother and son, rescued from the street, i notice the son is very egoist, he pushes his mother, even thou there is 2 bowls with food 1 for each. Adding a new cat to a household can take a lot more time than adding a new dog. I use pet sprays to remove the smell but I can’t get her to stop. I have tried all of your suggestions and more! Just a thought. When you have more than one cat in your house, there is a social structure. They are all females. Check him over and if there is any change in his weight or appearance, get him evaluated by a vet. Is there a bully cat in your neighborhood? Talk to your vet about options. Our adult female cat had kittens we kept 2. I've had by boy cat since i turned 22 yrs old. They have always been very affectionate and loving toward each other until I decided to get them lion style haircuts. Give the cat positive attention with treats and toys (the cat fishing pole works great for playtime). L C David (author) from Florida on October 23, 2016: Some cats will always be bullies. Cats stalk, chase, sneak, pounce, swat, kick, scratch, ambush, attack and bite each otherall in good fun. Answer: I have adopted senior cats several times. Please help me. Cats live longer, healthier lives if they are indoors. If I tell tinkerbell off she gets angry and takes it out on whoever is closest. What I would suggest is giving the cats breaks. The terror can still persist through the windows and via scent—stare downs and territorial marking—and even lead to spraying or redirected aggression in the house. Please help. These organizations work to humanely trap feral cats, neuter them, and release them. My moms kitten ran away from a loud noise under the same bed. Also, removing your dog from the situation when the cat is attacking help to reassure her that you have her back. They intimidate her with their staring, hissing, and growling.
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